Monday, November 17, 2008

Second Sight

By Amanda Quick

Victorian England, Venetia is a wellbred young woman, left penniless when her parents die. But unlike so many stories of its ilk, she doesn’t become a governess. No, Venetia earns a livelihood for herself and her younger sister and brother as a photographer. To give herself respectability she assumes the role of a widow, taking the name of Jones, in honor of the one night of exquisite passion she experienced with Gabriel Jones, before he was killed in an accident. But Gabriel isn’t dead and suddenly she has a husband to contend with.

Second Sight is a nice piece of fluff, with a paranormal touch. Venetia can read auras. Gabriel Jones is a member of the Arcane Society, and possess his own psychic abilities. And of course there is a villain and lots of danger. As I said a nice piece of fluff, with a happy ever after ending.

Reviewed by Linda Suzane, September 3, 2008

Second Sight
Amanda Quick
An Arcane Society Novel
G.P. Putnam
ISBN: 0-399-15352-7