By Kate Henry Doran
“Maggie McQuire didn’t have time to die. With only two days left before the opening ceremonies of Saranac Lake’s winter carnival, there were too many things left undone.”
So begins this fast pace book, with one of the best first lines I have ever read in a long time. Maggie and her three grown children, Tom, Devon, and Lauren, are finally putting their lives back together after the horror that was her husband / their father’s death and the media circus and accusations of possible murder that followed. Tom has become a police officer, riding mounted patrol, Devon is a world famous artist, and Lauren beginning a promising career as a dancer. Everything is going well for Maggie and her children, except that Devon was mugged and later involved in a drive-by shooting, and Lauren stalked, and then Tom is critically injured when his horse goes down during a riot.
Oh yes, Maggie’s brakes failed and she barely avoids ending up at the bottom of a ravine along with her car, thanks to a Good Samaritan. She is very attracted to the Good Samaritan, his deep, soothing voice and good looks until she learns he is the one thing she detests more than reporters, a cop, the Chief of Police and Tom’s boss. And Michael learns she is another nurse, just like his detestable ex-wife. Sparks fly, lots of misunderstandings, lots of romantic ups and downs. And lots of humor. That was one of the best things about TRY JUST ONCE MORE, the sense of humor. Maggie faces her days with humor, laughing at herself and life, but she has a sharp witty tongue that is often unleashed on Michael.
After awhile, Michael begins to suspect that there might be something more sinister behind the accidents than just bad luck. But why would anyone want to kill Maggie and her kids? The answer is surprising and shocking.
Not only is this book full of humor and witticism, it is also vividly real. Maggie is a member of AA and she must struggle every day. I cried with her when Tom almost died, I grieved as Michael relived his own son’s death, and when Maggie finally unlocked her heart to share her past with Michael.
My only complaint is that this book needed to be more, possibly four books. There was so much going on, so much that happened in the past, hinted at, but never fully explained, that it felt like it should be one of those romance series where the author writes a romance for each character. I would have loved to know how Rachel became scarred, about Devon and Nessa’s relationship, and more about Kit. But it was enough to get to know Maggie and Michael, to find that romance can happen to those over 40. TRY JUST ONCE MORE is a great romance, shadowed by a great dark evil.
Reviewed by Linda Suzane
Try Just Once More
by Kate Henry Doran
Wings Press
Paperback: 332 pages
Publisher: Wings ePress (2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1597058386
ISBN-13: 978-1597058384
Visit Kat's website www.KatHenry.com