When forced by circumstances to put down the book only a couple of pages into it, I found myself thinking, “She certainly has a way with words.” Then I heaved a sigh of relief that this is obviously a well written book, with an attention to detail. This thought was followed by a moment of surprise at the slowness of the beginning. It doesn’t start with a dead body or grab me and take off running as I’m used to in so many mysteries, but meanders through the mist and spring flowers. But then I remembered this is a cozy and that is the nature of a cozy. I can hardly wait until my next opportunity to pick it up.
I just finished COLLIE CONNECTION by Dorothy Bodoin and I am basking in the glow of a very happy ending. I don’t suppose that is a spoiler, since cozies always have a happy ending, but I felt in the course of the book that Dorothy’s heroine, Jennet Greenway had become a very close friend and she deserves her happy ending.
Jennet Greenway has lost her collie, Halley, and the person she believes took her turns up dead, floating in a Michigan lake. While she searches for Halley, she must deal with plans for her rapidly approaching wedding, reviews of her teaching by the principal (it seems that being sent to the principal’s office is every bit as traumatic for teachers as it is for kids.), and two more collies in her life that can in no way take the place in her heart of the one missing. Not to mention the series of mysteries that capture her attention, such as anonymous and strangely threatening wedding gifts, Alyssa, a strange little girl, who buys dinner every night at the Clovers Restaurant, a missing waitress and cook, and.who killed Crystal and dumped her in the lake
Dorothy Bodoin has filled Foxglove Corners with interesting and compelling characters, especially the heroine Jennet. The story moves at a leisurely pace, but never bogs down. The nit-picker in me found a few too many minor copy editing problems to give it the highest Q Award, but you won’t be disappointed when you read COLLIE CONNECTION.
And if you enjoy reading cozies, I highly recommend that you do.
Reviewed by Linda Suzane, March 31, 2009, www.midnightblood.com
Collie Connection
By Dorothy Bodoin
Trade Paperback
Publisher: Wings ePress (2009)
ISBN-10: 159705643X
ISBN-13: 978-1597056434
Available from www.Wings-Press.com (best price), Amazon.com, Fictionwise.com
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